Surveys say companies struggle to measure social media ROI
While more than 80 percent of companies use social media, less than half actually measure their efforts.
The Proactive Report’s recent study of the top companies across several categories revealed that, on average, more than 80 percent are using some form of social media.
Yet another study shows that most companies have not figured out how to calculate a return on that investment. According to a Hypatia Research report, only 40 percent of companies measure social media performance quarterly or annually, while almost 13 percent of the organizations surveyed do not measure ROI from social media at all. Another 18 percent said they do so only on an ad hoc basis. Hypatia didn’t specify what response the other 29 percent gave.
Although we like to feel that social media marketing is maturing, it seems there are too many companies that are still throwing ideas and money against the wall, without even checking to see anything sticks.
Those that are measuring performance rate customer satisfaction as number one, followed by:
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